When remodeling your bedroom the biggest element to consider is the flooring.
The floor can really set the tone of a room and can tie in all of the elements in a single space. Bedroom flooring ideas are important to examine to give your room that final touch.
Your bedroom should be a place of relaxation and comfort and should have a floor to reflects that and makes you truly feel at home.
Try samples at home first
From a piece of wood to a small carpet square or single tile, take samples home and test them out to see how they interact in that space.
Redoing your bedroom floor is a big home improvement project, so find whatever style or combination that is best for you.
There are many pros and cons for different flooring ideas for bedrooms and we’ve provided a list of some of them for you here.
Carpet is the most popular choice today for bedroom flooring for a variety of reasons. The prices can vary more with carpeting because there are so many different types, styles, etc. There are still many good affordable options as well if you know where to look.
Cozy feel
Softer under foot
Insulates heat and sound
Has more color and texture options
Typically cheaper cost than wood
Hard to keep clean
Easy to stain
Doesn’t last as long as wood

This is the second most common choice for flooring in a bedroom. Hardwood flooring is traditionally found in older homes and is still a great choice for bedroom flooring today.
Classic and timeless look
Natural appearance
Many styles, sizes, and varieties
Easy to clean and repair
Can match bathroom flooring
Can be cold on feet
Easily scratches
Need to be refinished over time
Less sound insulation
Can be noisy and squeaky
The trend for laminate wood floors has been on the rise in recent years. Why?
It looks like wood but it more durable since it is actually just a print on wood on a solid material like stone. The laminate refers to the protective coating on the boards that help prevent scratching and damaging.
Easy to install yourself
Less maintenance
Cheaper than wood floors
Many color and style varieties
Can add padding underneath
Can buckle if wet
Can still get scratched
Doesn’t quite give you the same feel as real wood
Finish will fade over time and it can’t be replaced
Tile can be good for bedrooms when living in a warmer or more tropical environment. You could also want tile depending on your personal decorating style even though it isn’t as popular for flooring outside of bathrooms and kitchens.
This style is particularly good if your home has a Mediterranean, Spanish, or Tropical aesthetic.
Very durable
Can match with the bathroom
Beautiful look
Endless sizes, colors, and styles

If you still are indecisive and haven’t found a flooring you like, try mixing them.
Maybe try going with a hardwood floor combined with a large area rug in the center of the room or a soft rug at the foot of your bed.
Looking for something else?
There are many other alternative bedroom flooring ideas as well from vinyl to concrete or even cork. Find what’s right for your style and budget.
Still have questions about your bedroom flooring ideas?
We’ve got you covered.
Close your browser, pick up the phone, and call your contractor, and tell him exactly what you want.
Sound easy enough? We’re happy to help. Contact us at Illinado for help with all of your bedroom flooring needs.